actual elevationの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. This is heady stuff, the realization of actual elevation in Waco.
  2. Actual elevation ranges from 1, 000 to 1, 600 feet, through hardwood and pine forests.
  3. The offset value is then added to the elevation value of the cell to obtain the actual elevation of each tower.
  4. The meta-sedimentary beds rise 830 feet above the local topography, with an actual elevation of 3398 feet above sea level.
  5. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which administers flood insurance, did not publish its first rate maps with actual elevations in Harris County until 1985.


  1. "actual economic condition"の例文
  2. "actual effect"の例文
  3. "actual efficiency"の例文
  4. "actual element"の例文
  5. "actual elements"の例文
  6. "actual energy"の例文
  7. "actual engine"の例文
  8. "actual entertainment"の例文
  9. "actual entities"の例文
  10. "actual entity"の例文
  11. "actual element"の例文
  12. "actual elements"の例文
  13. "actual energy"の例文
  14. "actual engine"の例文

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